Saturday, May 28, 2016

IVY PARK X Destini Monet

Hey Guys & Dolls,
I have brought you another post that pays homage to one of my favourite eras. There’s so many great things about 90s fashion that it can seem overwhelming at times but the best thing about that fact is that you can pick one thing to showcase or you can wear them all at once. I have gone for two; one of which is the high-waisted denim and the other is the famous bodysuit as seen on Beyonce Knowles Carter from the IVY PARK athleisure range.
Initially, I wasn’t going to buy anything from the range because I don’t work out but the more I saw Beyonce in that bodysuit, the more I knew I was going to buy it regardless of whether I worked out or not. Furthermore, an in-depth perusal of the range showed me that the pieces were so versatile, they could be worn in and out of the gym, go figure.

Bodysuit: IVY PARK
Snapback Hat: ASOS
Denim: Marks & Spencer
Sandals: River Island

Do you own anything from the Ivy Park range? How have you styled your items? Leave me a comment below. I would love to hear from all of y’all. I am Destini Monet and you have been reading ‘The Black Mannequin’.


  1. I love this outfit, you look gorgeous!

    Ella xx

    1. Thank you Ella
      Love your webpage by the way

      Love Always,
      DM XO


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